*** ORC *** **ORC(Optimized Row Columnar)** is a columnar storage format from Hive. ORC improves performance for reading, writing, and processing data. For more details, please refer to `ORC Files `_ at Hive wiki. =========================== How to Create an ORC Table? =========================== If you are not familiar with ``CREATE TABLE`` statement, please refer to Data Definition Language :doc:`/sql_language/ddl`. In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the ``USING`` clause in your ``CREATE TABLE`` statement. Below is an example statement for creating a table using orc files. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE table1 ( id int, name text, score float, type text ) USING orc; =================== Physical Properties =================== Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters. The ``WITH`` clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters. Now, ORC file provides the following physical properties. * ``orc.max.merge.distance``: When ORC file is read, if stripes are too closer and the distance is lower than this value, they are merged and read at once. Default is 1MB. * ``orc.max.read.buffer``: When ORC file is read, it defines maximum read buffer size. That is, it can be maximum size of a single read. Default is 8MB. * ``orc.stripe.size``: It decides size of each stripe. Default is 64MB. * ``orc.compression.kind``: It means the compression algorithm used to compress and write data. It should be one of ``none``, ``snappy``, ``zlib``. Default is ``none``. * ``orc.buffer.size``: It decides size of writing buffer. Default is 256KB. * ``orc.rowindex.stride``: Define the default ORC index stride in number of rows. (Stride is the number of rows an index entry represents.) Default is 10000. ====================================== Compatibility Issues with Apache Hiveā„¢ ====================================== At the moment, Tajo only supports flat relational tables. We are currently working on adding support for nested schemas and non-scalar types (`TAJO-710 `_).