************************************* How to use index? ************************************* ------------------------------------- 1. Create index ------------------------------------- The first step for utilizing index is index creation. You can create index using SQL (:doc:`/sql_language/ddl`) or Tajo API (:doc:`/tajo_client_api`). For example, you can create a BST index on the lineitem table by submitting the following SQL to Tajo. .. code-block:: sql default> create index l_orderkey_idx on lineitem (l_orderkey); If the index is created successfully, you can see the information about that index as follows: :: default> \d lineitem table name: default.lineitem table path: hdfs://localhost:7020/tpch/lineitem store type: TEXT number of rows: unknown volume: 753.9 MB Options: 'text.delimiter'='|' schema: l_orderkey INT8 l_partkey INT8 l_suppkey INT8 l_linenumber INT8 l_quantity FLOAT4 l_extendedprice FLOAT4 l_discount FLOAT4 l_tax FLOAT4 l_returnflag TEXT l_linestatus TEXT l_shipdate DATE l_commitdate DATE l_receiptdate DATE l_shipinstruct TEXT l_shipmode TEXT l_comment TEXT Indexes: "l_orderkey_idx" TWO_LEVEL_BIN_TREE (l_orderkey ASC NULLS LAST ) For more information about index creation, please refer to the above links. ------------------------------------- 2. Enable/disable index scans ------------------------------------- When an index is successfully created, you must enable the index scan feature as follows: .. code-block:: sql default> \set INDEX_ENABLED true If you don't want to use the index scan feature anymore, you can simply disable it as follows: .. code-block:: sql default> \set INDEX_ENABLED false .. note:: Once the index scan feature is enabled, Tajo currently always performs the index scan regardless of its efficiency. You should set this option when the expected number of retrieved tuples is sufficiently small.