************************************* Overview of Tajo Tables ************************************* Overview ======== Managed Table ================ .. todo:: External Table ================ .. todo:: Table Properties ================ All table formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters. The ``WITH`` clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those properties. The following example is to set a custom field delimiter, NULL character, and compression codec: .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE table1 ( id int, name text, score float, type text ) USING TEXT WITH('text.delimiter'='\u0001', 'text.null'='\\N', 'compression.codec'='org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec'); Each physical table layout has its own specialized properties. They will be addressed in :doc:`/table_management/file_formats`. Common Table Properties ======================= There are some common table properties which are used in most tables. Compression ----------- .. todo:: Time zone --------- In Tajo, a table property ``timezone`` allows users to specify a time zone that the table uses for reading or writing. You can specify a table time zone as follows: .. code-block:: sql CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE table1 ( t_timestamp TIMESTAMP, t_date DATE ) USING TEXT WITH('timezone'='ASIA/Seoul') LOCATION '/path-to-table/' In order to learn time zone, please refer to :doc:`/time_zone`.